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The SchermCo team is excited to welcome and announce our 2019 Summer Fellow, Jia Lin. Please take a moment to read more about Jia, her passions, her hopes for her time with SchermCo.

Please help us welcome her!

Hi everyone! My name is Jia Lin, and I am excited to join SchermCo as a Projects Fellow this summer. I am a trailblazer, so I like to dream big and plan even bigger things; I am excited to work with SchermCo, to find better solutions for organizations to add value into our education system. I look forward to building authentic relationships with those who I will come across in doing this work. 

Growing up, I felt that the education I received was all about the memorization of the one correct answer; it wasn’t until college when I studied architecture that I learned to think critically and to find better solutions for problems. This paradigm shift is something that I bring into the classroom everyday as an educator. As an immigrant and an Asian-American, I have experienced my fair share of inequality; some of the questions I ask everyday is: “What can I do to put you (student) at a better starting point? What opportunities can we create together? So that you will have choices, so that you can choose what you want to do in your life.”

I am currently working on my Masters of Science in Educational Studies at Johns Hopkins, and hope to write curriculum for middle and high school math. In my free time, I train in the sport of Olympic weightlifting and play the violin. I am starting a young alumni association for my university, and kick-starting an afterschool youth program centered around weightlifting.

Thank you, Greg and the SchermCo family in believing in what I can bring and contribute!

Action Steps
  • Write a motivational quote on a piece of paper and put that in your wallet. Next time you feel like you need a push, look at that note of motivation.