Square Pizza Podcast

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The Square Pizza podcast focuses on the intersection of education, innovation, and diversity. We host and interview leaders doing incredible work around the country to ensure all students have access to an equitable education. The Square Pizza podcast is hosted by SchermCo, a social-impact implementation firm that offers strategic implementation and project management services to schools and education-focused organizations across the country.

Welcome back to another episode of the #squarepizzapod. This week, Greg is in conversation with Brandon Thompson, VP of Diversity and Inclusion at NASCAR .

In this episode: 

Leadership Journey:

  • Guest’s path to NASCAR and how their career has evolved over time.
  • Current role as Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion.

NASCAR’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Overview of NASCAR’s DEI efforts starting with the Drive for Diversity program in 2001.
  • Key initiatives: NASCAR Next Internship, Drive for Diversity, and Supplier Diversity.
  • Data, impact, and success stories behind these programs.

Current DEI Landscape:

  • Discussion on the current environment for diversity, equity, and inclusion in NASCAR.
  • Ongoing efforts and NASCAR’s commitment to fostering an inclusive culture.

Advice for Leaders and Businesses:

  • Insights on how other leaders and organizations can drive DEI in their own spaces.

Leadership Principles:

  • The philosophy and principles that guide the guest’s leadership approach.