My journey with education began when I was a small child and my family instilled in me the value of education and how vital it would be for my self-growth. I am reminded of the importance of education when I remember the quote “make time for the things and people that matter,” and hold those words close to my heart. Miss Blair Watler uttered these words to me in the 8th grade and I have lived my life with those words at the forefront of my actions.

Education and my educators have always served as a reminder of my potential and the formidable future I seek to create. Under-served schools made up my entire educational history up until college: insufficient school resources, managing overcrowded classrooms, and inadequate learning spaces comprised my educational experience. Despite the challenging circumstances, I was able to thrive because of the people that filled those academic spaces.

When I graduated Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology in 2016, I knew that I could not have walked across the stage without acknowledging Mr. Timothy Guilfoyle who allowed me to refine my leadership skills in 2016 as I became National Honor Society president. I had to acknowledge Mrs. Jennifer Kirkpatrick-Mark who always brought me home if I had missed the bus back in 2012 and who allowed me to share in her joy as she married her husband in 2016. I had to acknowledge Mrs. Melissa Thiel who helped me outline the road to college in 2011 and showed me that it was possible. Lastly, I could not have had the honor of choosing between UNC-Chapel Hill and Dartmouth College without the help of Mr. Adrian Taylor who had taught me four years prior and was still an integral part of my life.

My educators have imparted many life lessons throughout my life and have helped me find my footing as I transition from student to young adult.  The transition from high school to college would not have been possible without their support. As I continue my journey, I have had countless professors enter my life who add so much value and inspiration as have those before them. Their presence has also inspired me to become an educator myself and for that I am grateful.

I want to be an educator that leads with their heart and creates an environment that allows students to thrive. I want to inspire students, teach them as much as I can, and show them that you can always make time for the things and people that matter– just like my educators did for me.

What originally interested me about SchermCo is how it was distinct from any consulting agency that I had ever encountered. There is so much reform needed in today’s educational system and I just knew that SchermCo was a small piece of the overall puzzle to improving and empowering schools and communities.

Giving back to the community that blessed me with so many opportunities is important to me and SchermCo allows me to do just that. With SchermCo’s 1% initiative that reinvests 1% of the funds/time from a project back into a local organization, I know that my efforts will benefit the community around me or across the country. I have seen first-hand how educators give their all for their students and the ways in which schools try to maximize the resources they are given. SchermCo does just that while also providing support to educators and schools. Needless to say, I am excited to join this amazing team and continue their mission of aiding underserved communities and making time for people that matter.